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                Our Competitive strengths

                We believe our success is attributable to, among other things, the following competitive strengths: We have
                proven track record in providing integrated multimedia advertising and marketing solution services; we have
                a loyal and diverse base of customers; we have exclusive OOH advertising resources and exclusive advertising
                spaces at key locations with widespread coverage; we have established business relationships with a wide range
                of strategic partners; and we have an experienced and dedicated management team with proven track record.

                Traditional offline media


                Icon Media exclusive advertising resources

                Icon Media exclusive advertising frame displays registered under the brand name “Visual Media” OOH billboards located at CBD Integrated media in communities Our advertising resources and spaces have a widespread coverage. They are located in 21 cities of the Guangdong province; in 115 terminals (subway and railway); in 195 cities of the PRC.We have 120,0000+ secured advertising spaces.
                天泓文創,Icon Media exclusive advertising resources, Icon Media exclusive advertising frame displays registered under the brand name “Visual Media”, OOH billboards located at CBD, Integrated media in communities, Our advertising resources and spaces have a widespread coverage. They are located in 21 cities of the Guangdong province; in 115 terminals (subway and railway); in 195 cities of the PRC.We have 120,0000+ secured advertising spaces.

                The media, the Internet and the events are three contributing elements in our business models.
                We offer integrated multimedia advertising and holistic marketing solutions services to our customers.

                Crossover distribution

                Integrated strategy


                Our big data platform plays an important role on discovering the evaluation standard of the
                multimedia industry, driving innovation and stimulating sustainable development of the business.


                Contact Us

                Sitemap | ?2019 Icon. All rights reserved.